Friday, August 17, 2012

Hey You

Hey you,
person who i think about
as i crawl into bed
and before i sleep
and when i wake up
and when i drive down the road
away from the bridge that leads to you.

Hey you,
the image of the man
who was above me
as you
smiled and i smiled.

Hey you,
the thought of raising kids
i'm not sure i want to have
and hope that i won't die alone.
Hey you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Little Moments

the moment of pure potential when everything is about to happen in every way

Monday, August 13, 2012

St Thomas

the clearest image
is the moment when you smiled
while i looked through my lashes
as you pressed into me

Sunday, August 12, 2012


It is hard for me to explain because it is all
touch and contentment and
sweet simple flavors I can't name.
A moment with your face above mine,
the catch of your breath as I suck on you,
the heaviness of your hips 
on mine as you push into me,
pushing so hard that you would become part of me.
The unexpected retreat,
the question of if you should continue,
before returning to the between-world of sand falling into water.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Red Sheets

mouth and lips
catching my breathe
as i gasp
and grasp
for words
that can't return
because of the feel of you
above me.

make me weak
and at your command,
lick the lip
you just bit
to taste you