Sunday, December 28, 2003


Lovliness- me being sarcastic with
Caitlin and
Tonya; crying how
Melissa snatched my guy, again
I mean I said that wrong
And coolness with a smile and a
Just killing dearie, its okay
Petnames with my friends
Queen Elizabeth
Morgan la Rouge with her red hair
My motorcycle boots and
Long Jacket singing
Allouette with my friends who speak French
10 fingers of which I ALWAYS lose,
Teasing Jeremy with
"Beckah" and Courtney
Crying how he has a girfriend, and now so does
John; hoping that there is a
Guy meant for me
Gossiping and talking about the
Word-a-day for Michelle, today was the
Mile High Club; reading Xanga and
Complaining about my 2nd period TA class
Men suck; Mark &
Greg you know you don't count
Laughing how
Meghan fell out of her chair again and
Wondering if I have ever been happier

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Chicks Dig Scrawny White Guys

He cuts his wrists
in patterns
Geometric shapes
of anger

Addicted to red on white
He moves to his chest
Tear drops of acid

never hurt others
Only hurt yourself

** published in Creative Writing, Volume 1, 2004 Edition

Saturday, December 20, 2003


I keep happiness
in my pocket

wallet size photographs
of a smiling face

Such Gentle

You have just gentle hands
full of warmth, affection
but you don't show it
I love it when you smile
such a lovely thing
on such a serious face
your laugh makes me smile
across the room
and having you stand behind me
makes me content

Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Shot through the Head

She watched him
He goes into the ambulance
Blood on my hands
Blood on my hands

The dutiful wife
She gets in her car
Where's the gun?
Where's the gun?

Her nose broken
Hurts when she wipes the blood away
Why did he?
How could he?

She follows the ambulance
At a safe speed
No need to hurry to him
No need to hurry

She gets to the hospital
He's in there
In there

She watches the doctors
They hurry away
Shot through the head
Shot through the head

One comes up to her
"I'm sorry Ma'am."
He's Dead

He says "Your Husband
Didn't make it."
Dead Dead
Shot through the head

He says "Ma'am we
Need to get you patched up"
He's Dead Dead
Shot through the head
Shot through the head


She is
Sunshine bottled
in a container
that was ill-treated
thrown around
and forgotten

To be found
by a knight
who will cherish
the container
with all its dents

and remember
there is sunshine

Monday, September 8, 2003

Buckle Your Belt

Sunday, September 7, 2003

Friday Night Football

It's the drumbeats of fall that call out Marching Time.
It's the high shrill of piccolos crying the wind not to come.
It's 200 kids in white shirts making waves in the stands.
It's boys in uniforms running on the field.

It's bein' squashed between Super Ram Fans and the marching band.
It's singin' the school anthem louder than the cheerleaders.
It's gettin' you're team is gonna win but you stomp feet to time.
It's bein' able to name all the players but you shout "GO 42!"

It's knowin' the half-time show by heart, and screamin' your loudest because they hit it.
It's playin' "We are the Champions" on your stereo after the game.
It's pastin' stickers on your truck because you're proud of your school.
It's dancin' on the bleachers when you win and screaming when they make a touchdown.

It's chantin' "Defense" with a hundred other people.
It's screamin' "We Will Rock You" at the top of your lungs.
It's eatin' a hot dog in tinfoil.
It's sneakin' the color guard coffee at 3rd quarter.

It's wearin' blue on Fridays with your blue and gold socks.
It's sportin' streamers in your hair for homecoming.
It's 9 o'clock on a Friday night and you're at school.
It's a fall football game and you can't think of a better place to be.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

It Used to Be

I'm staring at my book, watching the words and lines blur. It used to be that I was happy always. It used to be that I could pretend to be happy. It used to be that I would escape with my books of fairy tales, of heroes who were strong and true, of heroines who used their cunning to solve problems. I used to believe in them.

It used to be I could dance to the music in my head and hum or sing some song I woke up to. I've stopped singing lately. It used to be that I knew I had someone to love me, somewhere. That I knew that and didn't worry that I might not meet my soul mate. It used to be that I could feel things, the pain of a scrape or cut. Now I watch the blood drip and wonder when it happened. It used to be that I could look at the sunset and marvel at the beauty of it. It used to be that I could walk in the midst of a summer storm and relish the humidity warming my bare feet and feel tickled by the water trickling down my back.

It used to be that I felt loved. I used to be that I knew what love was. It used to be that I didn't cry every night. It used to be that I knew what happiness was, when my only concern was the prayer that someday I'd become beautiful. It used to be that I loved everyone I knew. It used to that I knew the world would be better because I would make it better.

It used to be that I had hope. It used to be that I would sit amongst my family and feel a part of them.

What used to be hasn't been for many years now. Every summer we go up to New York and I find myself going off alone to cry because I don't know how to be happy. When did I stop knowing how?

What does being human mean? Caring? Loving? Being happy?
And what does it mean that I have a cut on my palm from where I took a scalpel because I was bored. And what does it mean that I now have a cup of my blood where I watched the cut drip for hours before finally closing? And what does it mean that it didn't hurt when I cut myself?

My father recently told me that I had the highest pain tolerance of anyone he knew. He meant it has a compliment because I had stepped on a piece of glass and it had cut threw my foot thoroughly enough that I had left a blood trail around the house, and I had managed to not notice.

Why is it I can't be happy? Be content? I have everything most people wish for: Friends who care about me; Family who, while not being perfect, need me; Respect from my teachers, the ability to make decisions for myself.

My therapist says I'm dependant, I need to feel needed; I'm avoidant, I don't want  to deal with my reality; I'm Manic Depressive, I just randomly become sad for no reason at all.
She says that if I worked at it I could be happy. She says I could deal with normal society. That my being intelligent might not be a good thing, because I know something's wrong, but I'm not sure what. Because I act like an adult, think like an  adult, feel like an adult, hurt like an adult.
She says that I'm the 35 year-old professional woman, who is faced with being fired and having no skills no abilities and nothing going for me, tries to find love, and realizes that I'm incapable of it.

What makes it possible for someone to love? Having a happy childhood? Knowing how to be happy, being content with yourself.

Sarah once asked why I cry after weddings, I told her it was because I was jealous of the bride and because I could only hope that someday I would know what it felt like to be her.
She told me not to worry, that everyone has a soul mate. But what happens when you're not sure you'll ever meet him? Not sure that if you did, you would even deserve him. And if you did deserve him, be able to love him. And were able to love him, make him love you, and if make him love you, be happy?

So the question here is, is there anything in my life that makes me happy? The answer: What does happy mean?

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I Came Upon

I came upon a ruin
Batter'd and gray
and I saw a man
standing in its wake

I asked him what happened
he said someone died
I asked him who it was
and he said everyone

What happens when the fire catches the wind
What happens when the water runs dry
What happens when I'm left and lost all my kin
What happens when the world has died

I came upon a child
cov'ring her eyes in fear
she was sitting on a stairway
with blood at her heels

What happens when the fire catches the wind
What happens when the water runs dry
What happens when I'm left and lost all my kin
What happens when the world has died

I came upon a wall
with cracks and rubble there
hanging bodies and broken arms
how can this be fair?

You tell me god loves everyone
but how can this be true?
People die everyday
what good will that do?

What happens when the fire catches the wind
What happens when the water runs dry
What happens when I'm left and lost all my kin
What happens when the world has died

What happens when the world has died

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Caged Bird

I know why the caged bird sings
And I know why bells do ring
I know why the swords must swing
And I know why my arms do cling.

It's easy to say I love you cause you're special,
It's easy to say I love you cause you're hot
It's not easy to say I love you cause you're everything
It's not easy to say I love you cause you're everything I'm not.

I know why the caged bird sings
And I know why bells do ring
I know why the swords must swing
And I know why my arms do cling.

It always now when I cry I think I'm going to die
It always now when I cry I wonder if I'm really alive
It's never now when I cry that I think of the happy times
It's never now when I cry that I think how I've survived.

I know why the caged bird sings
And I know why bells do ring
I know why the swords must swing
And I know why my arms do cling.

I guess I should tell you I will miss you
I guess I should tell you I will hurt
I guess I won't tell you I'm not happy
I guess I won't tell you how I've cried

I know why the caged bird sings
And I know why bells do ring
I know why the swords must swing
And I know why my arms do cling.

I know why the caged bird sings sings sings
I know why the caged bird sings sings sings


Sunday, June 8, 2003

Chicken Caesar Salad (Ashira Greene)

Monday, May 5, 2003

One Lone Runner

I love the morning when I walk to my bus stop the first tendrils of day reach out into the dark sky. I watch as one lone runner runs across my viewfind. He nods at me. We understand each other. We get up that ten early minutes before the day just to see the dark night fade.

** published in Creative Writing, Volume 1, 2004 Edition

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Red Stone

the red stone is crumbling
and the people with it
down they go into the mist
wondering who that are
i know me and what is true
and what is true is nothing

Sunday, March 9, 2003


Patient # 40827

Patient # 40827: It's always at night when I stop feelings, when I start crying
Stop being happy feeling gloved
Its always when the quiet around me gets so ominous but I can't help but feel as if I'm alone in the world. I know there are people out there but my brain says, "You can't hear anything, feel anything, see anything, smell anything" there is nothing there.
Its called sensory deprivation and it's a great form of torture because the person slowly goes insane.
All I see is the light coming from the computer screen and I hear only my fingers tapping at the keys. I thought when you were told you were loved; you were supposed to know it forever.
It seems that I make people go through the ringer before I think they might even care about me. Mrs. Smith got upset in 9th grade because I wrote down that I wondered who would show to my funeral. I don't think it would even have one.
The problem is, I need to know, when you fall in love do you stop hurting, do you stop wishing for something more, do you suddenly realize that for someone you are perfect?
Or do you need to know that before you can fall in love, no I'm not sad, I've got a headache and I don't want to face the real world and dominion is sounding better and better with those little cot like beds
With their hospital corners and nightly checks, there you suffocate from people watching you too much. Where you know they don't really care you're only a job, but at least I don't have to think for myself or worry because I figure I'll be there "be cured" and they'll take care of me make sure I don't get hurt and I can just stop feeling, which I must say would be nice to just stop wondering if people care or not and just KNOW with a certainty that they didn't.
Must be lovely.

Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Stars in my Palm

There are Stars in my palm,
And symbols and lines,
Showing who I am,
And what I'll be.

My fingertips have swirls like waves,
poised to crash over mountains.
On my right hand,
there are scars through the middle of my palm,
on my left,
veins show through in blue lines.

She says I'll have a strange life,
like I've had a normal one so far,
my friends know what I mean,
they've had as strange a life as me.

She looks into the bowl
and warns me of the future.

She deals.
My cards always hold
Queen of Cups, Death reversed, the Hangman, the Fool, and the Priestess.
My Cards,
My Life.

There are stars in my palm,
but beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
and so is truth.

Saturday, March 1, 2003


You ask me
where I go,
when I retreat
from the world.

I'm sitting,
on a bridge
in a gray sweater, and faded jeans,
looking at the autumn leaves.

I'm feeling
the bleak emptiness
that comes from crying
for long periods of time.

watching the road
that winds away,
wishing I were on it.

I'm all alone,
and I
like it that way.

I see the water beneath me
stopped in time
by a fallen tree

I hear the birds sing
and the leaves rustle
and I am at peace.

But eventually
I return to the world

Where I am the water,
Fighting to get past the tree
But still
stopped in time.

**Published in Slam! An Anthology of Spoken Word Poetry Volume 2, March 17, 2003