Sunday, February 29, 2004


I would stand in the rain with you
growing ever colder
just to feel the warmth from your body

she stands inside
as she looks away
you look toward her

the rain seems to bounce off
from the sight of her

i am the only one chilled

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Rumor Sea

I heard a rumor
I was dead
Jumped off a cliff
but still i bled
on the rocks
of time and fate
cause finally
I met pure hate
and staring up
from the sea
was a face
that was me

** published in Creative Writing, Volume 1, 2004 Edition

Sunday, February 22, 2004


She asks me to
write about her
wants to know
what i think
I smile and
think of doing
a poem about
her looks
her brains
her personality
anything to show
my warm-hearted view of her
instead my amusement
shows through as
i write this one now

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

My Destiny

drugged out on the floor
panes of cold
press into my back
as warm blood
flows from my hands

it feels better with alcohol

pills in my mouth
stretch the skin
tender from bruises
scarred from frustration

boredom of a suburban housewife

whose husband is cheating
whose kids are grown
whose career was shot
before it began

** published in Creative Writing, Volume 1, 2004 Edition