Monday, March 31, 2008

Last Night

Last Night Kristi spoke to the RA in A1, not our RA, another one.

Apparently, I'm making her life uncomfortable and have no right to do so because she's so "joyous."

Apparently, I'm pretending to be nice while I'm making snide remarks to her and her boyfriend by offering them food or a movie.

Apparently, I'm being mean because I found her family motto on an Irish site while looking up my own and told it to her.

Apparently, I'm not allowed to speak to Kristi or be in the same room with her until we go in front of Krystal (the head RA) and the council (whatever the hell that this).

Now, I'm still very confused. Since when is offering food or a movie snide? I went through the entire student and housing manuals and nowhere does it say I did anything wrong, so exactly what council are they speaking of? Was the girl even a bloody RA, because she brought her friend with her, and from experiences with our RA, Kevin, that isn't allowed. So basically, I'm in trouble for reasons I don't understand, after I thought we'd gotten everything figured out on Saturday.

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